The Emergency Preparedness Committee was established to provide you with information to help you prepare for emergencies.  We try to have current information and links to other websites that provide answers to all kinds of emergency preparedness questions.  Please take a look at all it has to offer and continue to check back as we add more information.


Emergency Preparedness Email List

Sign up to receive timely neighborhood updates and new information as it becomes available.

Contact the Emergency Preparedness Committee Chair.

Emergency Preparation Sessions from SMILE
In the event of a major disaster such as an earthquake, “neighbors helping neighbors” will be the way we survive until help comes. SMILE offers a group training on preparing for earthquakes and other disasters. We are looking for volunteers to help host or assist with “Block Parties” —  neighbors who live on both sides of one block, and perhaps the people who live around the corner who are invited to attend the training and take home information to get prepared.

The training will help you and your family plan for a wide variety of disasters, including earthquakes, fires, floods, etc.  Topics include:

– Discussion of various types of disasters and why we are focusing on earthquakes
– The subduction zone earthquake and the consequences
– Making a plan for you, your family and your neighbors
– The earthquake home hazard hunt
– What to do before, during and after an earthquake
– Fire safety and the use of a fire extinguisher
– Gas , water and electric shutoffs
– Preparing yourself mentally for handling earthquakes and other disasters
– Critical services restoration timeline and local aftershock info
– Under-the-bed kits
– To-go kits – personal and family
– To-stay kits
– Car kits
– Water storage and purification
– Foods to store
– How to handle personal sanitation issues
– Connecting with your neighbors – phone book and map your neighborhood
– Reminder of 8 steps to do immediately following an earthquake
– Additional related opportunities

If you have taken the time to think about all the “what if’s” in the various disasters you might face then you have already started the process to help you, your family and your neighbors survive. So now take the next steps, host a block party, get better informed, make formal plans, practice them with your family, and help your neighbors get organized. In the end you will be ready for any disaster.

To sign up, or for more info contact


If you’d like to be part of a major research project tracking seismic activity, check out NetQuakes:

The USGS is trying to achieve a denser and more uniform spacing of seismographs in select urban areas to provide better measurements of ground motion during earthquakes. These measurements improve our ability to make rapid post-earthquake assessments of expected damage and contribute to the continuing development of engineering standards for construction.

To accomplish this, we developed a new type of digital seismograph that communicates its data to the USGS via the internet. The seismographs connect to a local network via WiFi and use existing broadband connections to transmit data after an earthquake. The instruments are designed to be installed in private homes, businesses, public buildings and schools with an existing broadband connection to the internet. OPB has an article that gives more of a feel for it: Homeowners Help USGS Track Quake Danger In ‘NetQuakes’ Project.

Good Advice from State Senator Brian Boquist

Senator Boquist, District 12 in Dallas, OR,  is Chair of the Senate and Emergency Preparedness Committee.


Where to Buy Supplies

Earthquake Retrofitting Information

Emergency Radio and Notification

Local Emergency Radio:  all operational TV and radio stations will be broadcasting news and information related to the disaster. It’s always a good idea to have a battery/hand crank radio which receives NOAA channels. There are a few that also pick up shortwave radio which is a nice feature too. During a disaster, most stations will be disseminating information as it becomes available. Two good news radio stations:

KOPB – 91.5 FM (NPR)
KXL — 101.1 FM and 750 AM

Sign Up for Emergency Notification by Phone, Email, and Twitter
Portland and Multnomah County send automated emergency notifications to published landline phone numbers. You can register to receive notifications on e-mail, cell phone, internet (VOIP) phone or landline provided by a cable TV carrier, or Twitter by going to the Public Alerts Signup Page.

Government Offices

Oregon Office of Emergency Management
Multnomah County Office of Emergency Management
Portland Bureau of Emergency Management
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Fire & Rescue

More General Information

Home Emergency Preparedness Guide

American Red Cross
FEMA – Are You Ready Guide
Ready America
Homeland Security – Prepare My Family for a Disaster
National Resource Center on Advancing Emergency Preparedness for Culturally Diverse Communities

SNAP (Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare) Info specific to neighborhoods Extensive information on preparing for all types of disasters

The Key to Survival? Family and Neighbors is an excellent article on the most important factor in surviving disaster: friends and neighbors. You’ll find both the original NPR audio story as well as a full transcript with photos.

CDC Guide to Extreme Heat

Disaster Preparedness and Self-Storage

Emergency Driving Tactics and Tips

Protection for Disabled and Seniors

First Aid Pets for Pet Owners

Disaster Safety for Renters


Page updated 7/6/2024